Wendy Jardine Pilates
Pilates - West Dulwich

Wendy Jardine

Latest news from Pilates Instructor

w/c 23rd April 2018

Published on 22nd April 2018

We will take our breath into our core connection and lift effortlessly into plank.  We'll take the plank to the level that suits us and into side plank too.  We'll work from prone and supine, toning and stretching as we go.  See you in class.

w/c 9th April 2018

Published on 8th April 2018

Sessions resume this week.  Monday 07:00, 08:00 and 09:00, Tuesday 10:00 and 11:00 and Wednesday 08:00, 09:00 and 10:00 All sessions cater for mixed level BUT Wednesday 09:00 works to Intermediate and Advanced Levels and is not suitable for those in recovery or injured.  Wednesday 10:00 is a Workshop and

For your back

Published on 4th April 2018

You'll need a chair and a couple of pillows. Sit on a chair that has a level seat.  Sit forwards on the chair, but feel free to put a pillow/s behind you.  Place your feet on the floor, hip width apart and in line with each other.  The heels should be aligned and the feet parallel.  Your knees

While I soak up the 4 star treatment, treat your back to this

Published on 27th March 2018

Stand Tall with your hands on the back of a chair.  Relax your shoulders, find your centre and breathe deep and wide. Feel the threads pull the top of your ears towards the ceiling, both ears.  Feel your feet on the floor they're placed hip width, grow out of your feet, through your legs, hips, sides, middle back, upper

w/c 19th March 2018

Published on 18th March 2018

We will arabesque with extension and stretch through lateral flexion from the soles of our feet to the tips of our fingers. Our bodies will prepare for side bends with plies, and roll ups to teaser. All muscles will be toned and all movements will be layered and enriched with achievable effective stepping stones.

w/c 12th March 2018

Published on 11th March 2018

Classes on Monday 07:00 08:00 09:00 Tuesday 10:00 11:00 Wednesday 08:00 (09:00 Intermediate/Advanced) 10:00 (and of course Tuesday 18:00 and 18:45 at David Lloyd and Thursday at the Royal Academy of Dance).  This week we will work through the neck and shoulders and then find the rest of the



"Contrology develops not only the muscles of the body, suppleness of the limbs, and functioning of vital organs and endocrine glands; it also clarifies the mind and develops the will"

Frederick Rand Rogers

Wendy Jardine Pilates
Unit 26449
PO Box 6945
London W1A 6US

Copyright © 2019, Wendy Jardine Pilates