Wendy Jardine Pilates
Pilates - West Dulwich

Wendy Jardine

"I thought I would email you to say how much I appreciate your time and expertise. We wander into your classes, and wander out…. and rarely let you know what a difference you make.Your classes are wonderful, they have such breadth, in a totally accessible way…. how you reach every level and mood is incredible. Thank you thank you…The videos too – they are a life line.  My only regret is that I don’t do one or two every day, because I feel SO much better for it. You are often in my thoughts, always in relation to a positive inner strength.  Thank you !!! Lotte

"We are really looking forward to another week of classes. The benefit we are receiving from them is enormous. Somehow you manage to guide us safely through exercises which quickly tone and strengthen the muscles but without the sense of strain and soreness that always seemed to accompany other forms of exercise. I really think I know what abs might look like on me!" Jane and Phil

"I have joined your library and had a look and was amazed by the vast and rich content which should keep me busy for a while. Thank you". Marcel

"Wendy,  my 15 year old was convinced that you were on the front page of our paper on Saturday, and he was very impressed... (he'd met you whilst doing a warm-up session with me, and struggled to touch his toes).... it was Minnie Driver... so now you've shifted from cult leader to movie star!  You're quite a legend in this house – there was even talk of a family session, but somehow I doubt that will happen!" Charlotte

"I saw your video of the 'Boomerang' on the Oxford Department for Continuing Education, Curious Minds website under the Royal Academy of Dance. I liked the way you explained the process of the 'Boomerang' and tried it with some success!!  On the strength of that I am now enjoying your video library.  I have found the knee and hands video really helpful, your very exacting explanation of these exercises is so good.   I have also been trying some of the more advance routines too". Rita

"I do love your videos and must make myself do more because I do feel so much better afterwards!" Maggi


"What a great Pilates year it has been. Thank you so much for all your care and consideration and for making each class so special"
- Patricia -

"Wendy teaches with sensitivity, intelligence and humour"
- Hilary -

"Thank you so much for all the fantastic Pilates classes. It is great to work out the body from the inside out, but also to 'escape' from everything else going on in life. I always come away feeling relaxed"
- Chris -

"I was in rehearsal for my show yesterday and everyone was lacking energy so I made them do some Pilates neck stretches, shoulder shrugs and roll downs…I channelled your voice!"
- Michaela, Royal Academy of Dance -

"It's amazing to come out of a class and feel as though you've had a massage when really you've just worked everything really hard. My posture is amazing, and my clothes fit better after only 5 classes."
- Charlotte, Royal Academy of Dance -

"It's been a complete revelation for me and I can't thank Wendy enough for her expert help, excellent teaching and for her thorough and varied classes!"
- Emily -

"Just to say how effective your Pilates classes have been in helping me recover from abdominal surgery last November. I can really feel my stronger core and the benefits of Pilates on my body as a whole"
- Christine -

"Looking forward to re-joining you all, I hear some serious work has been taking place in my absence! My muscles are trembling in fear and anticipation…"
- Ria, Royal Academy of Dance -

"I'm so grateful. I've been telling all my friends that these classes have been like a miracle for me"
- Kristina -

"I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me to recover my body and in so doing, my 'real' self. Your careful guidance in Pilates and Nutrition is the key to my success."
- Jo -

"Wendy Jardine did an AMAZING class. LOVED IT!! I can really feel the difference"
- member @dlbeckenham -

"This is just to say a huge thank you. Your lessons were so different, so geared to dancing, they were fun and the hour just whizzed by"
- Exam Intensive Course Student, Royal Academy of Dance -

"I just want to say how amazingly pain free my left leg and shoulder is after today's session I feel amazing, that stretch you invented is the best ever!"
- Tracy -

"Thank you for all your wonderful Pilates sessions' stretching the body and relaxing the mind - the best start to my week - my body would seize up without you, not to mention the knee....!"
- Allison -

"I don’t know how many students you have now but you really manage to show that you take a personal interest in everybody’s progress, not to mention remembering all their names and quirks"
- Lucille -

"Your lessons are brilliant - we get so much out of them largely because you put so much in. Thank you!"
- Jan -

"Thank you for a heavenly hour. It was magical for me."
- Jenny -

"Wonderful class this morning. You're so intuitive....just dealt with all the areas that have been aching"
- Carol -

"This morning's hamstring stretch was amazing! I couldn’t believe the difference it had made to my 'bad' leg"
- Nicki -

"Since your course at the RAD over the summer - and your excellent advice on ways to strengthen the muscles supporting my knees - I no longer suffer from knee pain: not even when I'm running. It's quite incredible"
- Matthew -

"After being away from the Monday class it feels like coming back home - a fantastic way to begin the day, the week and the year - Thanks Wendy"
- Jo -

"Commentary, instructions and encouragement all impeccable."
- Richard -

"I am very grateful to Pilates and more grateful to Wendy as she has helped me through this with various advice and taking that extra mile to giving me a homecare routine to follow. Thank you so much."
- Leyla -

"I love love love your classes"
- HS -

"Wendy explains everything with such calmness, and creatively, the way she explains things REALLY makes you understand what is going on and I feel it's very unique"
- Student, Royal Academy of Dance -

"Oh, Wendy, that was a superb class and experience. I love all the thought cues. That works so well for me. I could feel your hot pilates hand!I will very much look forward to our session at 9.30 tomorrow. I have found my golf ball!"
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"Dearest Wendy

I just wanted to thank you for the absolutely mega chair/standing classes.
Not only have I thoroughly enjoyed them, but I cannot tell you how fabulous I feel after doing them. I feel as if I can swish along a Parisian catwalk ! Legs up to my ears - my entire body feels long & strong - & my neck & shoulders open & broad, as if something warm & gorgeous has been poured all over them. I also feel focused & positive, which is a huge bonus any time, but particularly special right now.
Wendy, I admit, it took me a long time to try the ‘chair’ class. Shame on me. I wasn’t convinced it would be beneficial, but my curiosity got the better of me - & thank goodness it did.
Coupled with your sincere & encouraging approach, I consider myself very lucky to be part of the wonderful world you create.
Huge hug & much love

Justine Berry
Programne Manager Professional Dancers’ Teaching Diploma - Royal Academy of Dance.
Character teacher & Inspire teacher training tutor at the Royal Ballet School"
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"Thank you, thank you Wendy for today’s chair/standing class. I absolutely loved it. It gave me many ideas for what I can do when sitting at my desk as I seem to do endlessly. You are so empowering as a person and help us all live better lives and to be thankful for our bodies and our health.

Your classes are the Rolls Royce of Pilates!

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""My week doesn’t seem complete if I have had to miss a class. Also your help and work with my hamstrings and knees has just been amazing and made soooo much difference. My son who is an orthopaedic surgeon is
incredibly impressed.""
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""I feel so much better again. And when I am on a train or tube and feeling vulnerable like this morning, I close my eyes, listen to your voice, and bring my core back into gear!""
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""Thank you for today every time I see you I feel so amazing throughout the day, I have to do your videos so I feel I'm with you every day. I want to do something with you every single day, in person and video. And thank you so much, you are doing so much good to me. I will not let myself down, I will not let you down"."
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"We are using your videos to keep Pilates going. I just finished 46 47 48
sequence this morning. I wanted to let you know that we are using them
as the time difference doesn’t allow us to do live zoom classes. We are 7
hours behind you!
You are a miracle worker and
we are so lucky to have you on the video library. I just love your
reassuring and calm voice."
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"Actually got round to using the video library for a couple of sessions today - brilliant! why didn't I get into it earlier - just what I need!"
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"I just joined your library and did one of your recorded online classes this morning. Just fabulous. I've missed you."
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"I couldn’t find the unmute button in time but wanted to say that my back felt so much better after the session – so thank-you.
Also, I’ve just set up a payment for the video sessions"
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"It was great to do the class on Thursday and I am really enjoying the video library. Thank you so much "
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"Hi Wendy it is great to be back in Room although there may be times when I will zoom if and when we get to Scotland. I loved sessions over lockdown when people appeared from all over the globe!
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"Hi Wendy

Just to say what a great class it was this morning. Absolutely loved it

See you next week"
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"This is just to say another big thank you.

I found session 134 so helpful. Just what I need at the moment. I feel better after just one session.

With love and best wishes,"
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"Really enjoyed this weeks lessons, as I can’t walk as far as I used to, they are really important to my well-being. Thank you for keeping my circumstances in mind with lots of exercises to strengthen knee muscles which I try to do throughout the week. My knee always feels better and I walk better after a Pilates session."
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"Thank you, it has been great to be back, you make every class a joy.
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"Thank you so much. I can't believe how much I've progressed under your tutelage!
S x"
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"I feel better today after coming to the session, I was so annoyed for not been able to attend on Monday. I really enjoyed this morning exercise!!!!!
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"I really mean it when I say that you are keeping us well body and soul! There is so much bad news, just as we were seeing the chink of light at the end of the tunnel. I love your lessons. They frame my week and help me start the day with positivity. Keep strong! We need you!

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"I can feel all the great benefits of your classes."
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"Honestly, I just love coming to your Pilates classes the hour just whizzes by.
I want to do more.
I really do feel much stronger especially my abdominal muscles and my legs."
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"Thank you! Your lessons are amazing. I'm sore today, but in a good way, and i can feel my muscles working in new ways!
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"Wendy, your Pilates classes have been so beneficial at a very difficult time for me. Not only do I feel physically stronger and stand taller, but also the sessions are helping me to deal with a period of acute anxiety. Sometimes I start to feel quite emotional during a session as a result of the release of tension that it brings, and I always feel calmer and stronger afterwards.

I hope that other people who are going through similar experiences discover your classes and can enjoy the same benefit. I can't thank you enough for your kindness, your skill and your empathy.
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"Thank you for a fantastic session this morning. My rhomboids and me are very happy!

I am really starting to feel the benefit from the sessions and your help. It is amazing.

Isolating muscle groups is fascinating. I realise that in my job I rely on the big guys e.g. biceps … at the expense of my core … and those rhomboids. I am now really very aware of firing up muscles in preparation for movement and relaxing others.
I have noticed the increased range in my Right shoulder and am definitely feeling the benefit in upper thoracic spine from lying supine with ball.
Thank you again. "
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"I saw an osteoscan consultant recently to have my bone density and fragility tested and he was very surprised at the condition of my back considering my history of fractures. All down to Pilates I think! So thank you."
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"A huge thank you for the wonderful Pilates sessions which I absolutely love and yes definitely helping my knees and indeed my hamstrings too!!
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"That was a great class, thank you! I felt loads better afterwards x
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"Ooh, following this morning's session I can feel my glutes and outer thighs activating as I walk around the house. They feel strong - yet also a bit achy and a bit shaky - as if I've just done a 15 mile hike!
Another great session - thank you!"
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"Thank you, Wendy. I used to do zoom storytelling during Lockdown and remember the deafening silence with everyone on mute. But you give us focused sensitive instruction ….. not chatter !!!!
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"Love being at the classes. I feel as if I learn something new each week and can feel myself improving. Would I have been able to slip into Nordic Walking so easily if I had not done pilates? I don't believe so. I'm so thankful that I now have two complimentary disciplines that I enjoy. It's all down to excellent teaching, of course!"
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"I truly enjoy Pilates and love your lessons. I learnt Breathe, Connect and Move. It makes a big difference to understand this and no one has told me this before. "
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In 2015 and again in 2019 I broke a wrist in a fall on uneven surfaces. This meant I walked head down to watch my tread - not ideal. Then Wendy did a section in her class on walking —- heel toe, heel toe, to avoid our uneven pavements just waiting to trip us up. It also helps stabilise the body making you more confident and grounded. It took practice but I kept hearing Wendy’s voice in my ear (heel-toe, heel toe) and it has become more natural. So much so when my neighbour tripped in Lordship Lane, fracturing her hip and collar bone I passed this tip on to her. She now hears my voice in her ear! and although her recovery took a long time she is seeing the benefits. Thanks Wendy, during 9 years of sessions you have taught me a lot but this has been a top tip!!"
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"@wendyjardinepilates has become a little life saver to me. I do one of her "core, powerhouse" videos daily. Some days it's hard, but doing that fills me with confidence that I can make a difference to pain. If you're doing Pilates and want to do in the comfort of your own home, I really recommend her. Her online library is extensive, and the way she describes and leads is a winner for me. "
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"I felt AMAZING on leaving the class yesterday! All the movements we did were so pertinent and helpful.....I realised how much I had missed your weekly input! Thankyou! I shall reinforce daily!"
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"The magic of Pilates has worked again! I'm well on the way to full healing again.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
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"Firstly, the very good news and all thanks to you! My dear friend with rheumatoid arthritis has been taking ‘the mixture’ for a month or so and is absolutely thrilled with how good she feels and even more so as she was able to do up her bra as her shoulder feels so less painful! My thumb and Rod’s shoulder are also noticeably improved and almost pain free. (Check out Articles on this Site for Life Changing Mixture)

Then another friend who has just had a hip replacement and when she was bracing herself to get up off the sofa really struggled, I suggested the Pilates breathing and exertion on the exhale. Another success!!! Such a difference and now she is using the breathing for all sorts of lifting etc. "
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"I feel so well after your sessions."
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"Am very much enjoying your sessions online and the library has been a real success for me over the summer as I’ve been doing short sessions every day. "
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"Thank you once gain for helping me keep my body in check enough to carry on dancing, hopping and skipping, not only in classes but whenever the mood takes me.
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"I said it in person but I just wanted to say a huge thank you again for including me in the classes at the RAD .

As I mentioned, I have done Pilates in one form or another for a long time and a class with you has taken it to whole different level.
Absolutely marvellous!
And ( touching wood) my neck is much improved too.

So sincere thanks , I am truly grateful for your expertise and kindness."
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"As 2024 draws to an end I would like to
thank you for your superb teaching.
I think of you as my Healing Fairy who when I limp into class helps me float out after your wonderful
therapeutic sessions."
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"Thank you for the wonderful classes this year which have made a huge difference to me, and have also opened my eyes to the 'real' pilates way! You are fantastic and we are so lucky to have your classes at the RAD.
- SJ -

"Good posture can be successfully acquired only when the entire mechanism of the body is under perfect control"


Wendy Jardine Pilates
Unit 26449
PO Box 6945
London W1A 6US

Copyright © 2019, Wendy Jardine Pilates