Wendy Jardine Pilates
Pilates - West Dulwich

Wendy Jardine

Blendy Bendy Wendy

Published on 20th September 2021

Dearest All,

It has been both moving and wonderful to see you in the Room again and to welcome new people, too.  Zoom is continuing to flow and flourish and it is terrific to work with you this way.  We have Room, Zoom and Online sessions, we have Blended Learning!  Hence the not so ridiculous notion Blendy Bendy Wendy! 

Please note that you do not need to book for room, zoom or online sessions, you will simply be welcome.  If you'd like to remind yourselves of my pointers towards confidently maintaining our health, while practising in the room, please click here for my blog of 30th August

Room sessions are Fundamental to Advanced and use Standing and Matwork. All Room sessions are held at All Saints on:

Mondays 7 am 8 am 930 am

Tuesdays 10 am 11 am

Wednesdays 8 am 930 am 1030 am The 1030 is a Workshop. We use Barre Chair and Standing in conversation with your needs of the day. 

Five Zoom Sessions, all of which are presented from my home studio. All sessions develop moves to their optimum.

Zoom Monday 20th September 11am BarreChairStand  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84278779704

Zoom Tuesday 21st September 8 am Fundamental to Advanced https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85215876341

Zoom Thursday 23rd September 8 am Fundamental to Advanced  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89907817618

Zoom Thursday 23rd September 9 am Fundamental to Advanced  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81078292885 

Zoom Thursday 23rd September 10 am BarreChairStand https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84910150339 (770th zoom!)

I am so looking forward to working with you this week.

Breathe Connect Move


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"Watch a cat, as it lazily opens its eyes, slowly looks around, and gradually prepares to rise after a nap. First, it gradually rises on its hindquarters and then gradually lowers itself again, at the same time sprawling out on the floor, leisurely stretching its forepaws (with extended claws) and legs. Observe closely how all its back muscles actually ripple as it stretches and relaxes itself.... Observe, too, how cats sleep - utterly relaxed whether they happen to be lying on their back, side or belly, Contrology exercises emphasize the need for this constant stretching and relaxing"


Wendy Jardine Pilates
Unit 26449
PO Box 6945
London W1A 6US

Copyright © 2019, Wendy Jardine Pilates