Wendy Jardine Pilates
Pilates - West Dulwich

Wendy Jardine

Two Long Weekends and One Short Week

Published on 30th August 2021

Dearest All

Here are the links for Tuesday and Wednesday:

31/8 Tuesday at 8 am  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88045524847 Progressions Fundamental to Advanced.                   

31/8 Tuesday at 10 am  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87220619420 Progressions Fundamental to Advanced   

01/9 Wednesday at 8 am  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87037733913 Progressions Fundamental to Advanced                       

01/9 Wednesday at 9 am   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89730526002 INTERMEDIATE TO ADVANCED (755th!) 

01/9 Wednesday at 10 am  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82918186114 Thorough: Standing, Barre, Seated     

There are no sessions this Monday 30th as it is Bank Holiday, and on Thursday 2nd September I am finally daring to say that the day will have come when my darling niece can marry the man of her dreams, at last, after Tiers and Lockdowns causing postponement after postponement. Anyhow, I will throw my lycra to the wind and dig out my glad rags and enjoy a long weekend of celebration and wonderment. 

On Monday 6th September our new schedule in the room and zoom will begin.  Literally, 50% of you want Room sessions and 50%, Zoom.  I can't quite believe how exact this has been, but it's true! I very much look forward to welcoming you back into the room and continuing with zoom, too.

The new schedule from 6th September looks like this:

Room Monday 7 am & 8 am & 930 am

Zoom Monday 1130am BarreChairStand (not 11am)

Zoom Tuesday 8 am

Room Tuesday 10 am & 11 am

Room Wednesday 8 am & (930 am Advanced) & (1030 am BarreChairStand) 

Zoom Thursday 8 am & 9 am     

Pointers for the Room I am looking forward to being in the room with you again. There are no government covid rules for us. However, I am going to suggest that I work with a few pointers so that you know where you are with me!  Much as I'll be delighted to see you I will not be hugging or kissing you! I will for the most part not be wearing a mask. Classes will be cancelled if I am unwell, or feeling at all under the weather, or running a temperature, coughing, or if any of my close circle test positive for covid, all the things we know. 

Suggestions for the Room  I suggest you bring your own mat and equipment. To avoid confusion, if you bought equipment from me, maybe mark it with a bit of nail varnish or tie a bow onto it and please take it home with you.  I would suggest that, before, during, and after the sessions we remain sensibly aware of social distance. I suggest we assume that unwittingly we may be carrying the virus. I say this because it would be too upsetting, for any and all of us, if covid was ever associated with our sessions. The ramifications would be serious, to say the least. I will be keeping the room ventilated so please wear jumpers, leg warmers, socks. or whatever you think you might need!  Of course it is your choice whether you wear a mask. It goes without saying that none of us would dream of coming to a session if we thought there was any chance that we were unwell, or if someone in our household tested positive. I'm sure that we can make room sessions workable, simply and easily, with a common sense approach so that we can continue on together without interruption. 

Equipment I have limited mats and equipment.  All mats and equipment are used only if they are sanitised. I will not be cleaning equipment between sessions as there should be enough sanitised equipement available. All equipment will have been sanitised at the beginning of each day. If you wish on the day to use equipment supplied by me, please only use the sanitised equipment. At the end of your session please put anything you've used on the "used" pile. However, should the sanitised equipment run low then please use the cleaning products provided, if I don't get there first, or bring your own wipes if you wish.  If, as we all hope, this trial month proves successful then I may invest in more equipment if necessary. 

Click here for 122 Online Sessions Your presence is phenomenal and it's great knowing you're there. Session 122 added this week is a ten minute prone preparation for feet, ankles, knees, hips: Glutes, calves, adductors, abductors, hip flexors, hamstrings, hip rotators.  It's simple, effective and will tone, release, mobilise, strengthen and lengthen. 

Wishing you wisdom in this terrifying world and lasting moments of joy and fun when you can. 

Breathe Connect Move

Love Wendy





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"My work will be established and when it is, I will be the happiest man in God's universe. My goal will have been reached"


Wendy Jardine Pilates
Unit 26449
PO Box 6945
London W1A 6US

Copyright © 2019, Wendy Jardine Pilates