Wendy Jardine Pilates
Pilates - West Dulwich

Wendy Jardine

Smile An Everlasting Pilates Smile

Published on 27th January 2025

Welcome to You All

Is it just me, or did you love the sound of Rita Coolidge, too? Well, I'd love to smile an everlasting smile throughout our Pilates!  Try it now, go on, just simply smile and tune into what happens.  Take it slowly and observe your tummy and lower back area.  - "A smile could bring you near to me" but more importantly it'll bring you nearer to YOU; your inner strength, core and stability.  I'll do an article on this - so you know, as ever, the madness coming out of my mouth is grounded in science! Love you all and thank you for only attending the Room when you're well, attending the Zoom from wherever you are in the world, Sri Lanka was added to the list last week, wowzer! And online, we can be, wherever we are and whatever mood we're in!  Oh my, how I love our Pilates.......for the next three weeks every time and place is the same, as always:

Room Sessions at All Saints SE21: FREE PARKING in Lovelace and Rosendale Roads (Parking restricted between Noon and 2 pm only) - feel free to bring your bikes into the lobby.

Beware that Rosendale Road is now a School Street. Going North, you will receive a PCN if you drive through Rosendale Road at the Lovelace/Rosendale junction between 815 am and 915 am and the same driving from Dulwich heading south, at that time. 

Monday 27th Matwork at 7 am, 8 am, 930 am 

Tuesday 28th Matwork at 10 am and 11 am 

Wednesday 29th Matwork at 8 am, 930 am, (Chair Barre Standing at 1030 am)

Zooms This Week - Click the Link: No need to book Zooms; if you're known to me and a Roomer, they'll appear on your next room payment renewal @ £10. If you're new to me, please email me to set up your account.

Monday 27th at 11 am Barre Chair Standing  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84344602186 

Tuesday 28th at 8 am Matwork https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82455055719 

Thursday 30th at 8 am Matwork https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89666106291 

Thursday 30th at 9 am Matwork https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85187321112 

Thursday 30th at 10 am Chair Barre Standing https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86894418625 

(Muted 1456 times!)

Online:  I'm online 24/7; simply peruse the video list and fit your choice to your mood! Email me to set you up.

Please note that this list of term-times appears here in my blog unchanged every week and will continue to be posted each week: 

Half-term 17 - 23rd February - last sessions Thursday 13th February, resuming Monday 24th February

Easter 7th April - last sessions Thursday 3rd April, resuming Tuesday 22nd April

Bank Holiday Monday 5th May

Half-term 26 - 30th May - last sessions Thursday 22nd May, resuming Monday 2nd June

Summer 21 July - 31 August - last sessions Thursday 17th July, resuming Monday 1st September

The RAD: The Monday class is full.  You're welcome to get in touch but, if you're new to me, I cannot offer you a place this term. Please note, there is no session on 17th February, due to the Dance School's half-term. Our last session of the term is 31st March. This week's Monday session is at the usual time of 1250 and is in the Jo Manoukian Studio. Please contact me for the Monday sessions. Please apply to the RAD directly for 2025 Easter and summer schools, I am teaching Pilates to Silver Swans, Juniors, Seniors, Exam Intensives and Adults.

Cue the Move: Smile an everlasting smile, a smile that brings your core to you - and breathe an everlasting breath, as deep as you can go, and exhale completely; feel the wonder of your world, the peace you bring your body, and simply pause... please wait for your mind to catch up ......and...... repeat..........

Breathe Connect Move

Very best wishes, Wendy. The best way to contact me is via email

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"Just to report, pain easing not so angry, have been taking painkillers as prescribed by my doctor and doing your wonderful exercises, feel as if you are in the room with me gently getting me better. "

Wendy Jardine Pilates
Unit 26449
PO Box 6945
London W1A 6US

Copyright © 2019, Wendy Jardine Pilates