Core, Centre, Power House
Powerful core training, suitable for all to do, or just watch, play and understand connection
1 Breathe, connect, lengthen and begin your Pilates journey
Video number 1 (9 minutes)
Good for spine: Lying face up; hip hitches, breath, core connection, neck and full body stretch.
2 Welcome to the wonder of releasing the body
Video number 2 (11 minutes)
Good for core connection: Lying face up knees bent; pelvic tilts, pelvic circles, full spine stretch with legs to one side, shoulder bridge
9 Feeling and Finding the abdominals from the inside out
Video number 9 (9 minutes)
(Bath towel and cushion) Finding the deep abdominals, using the resistance of the cushion and then teasing the core. Adding the movers, the side oblique fibres and the six pack, and then consciously engaging them all to roll up with ease and fluidity, and against gravity, with no tension in the neck or shoulders.
10 Rolling to Open Leg Rocker
Video number 10 (7 minutes)
7 minutes of Rolling, Stretching and Balancing to Open Leg Rocker
22 Understanding The Hundred and Heel Slide (puppy appears in this video only)
Video number 22 (15 minutes)
The Hundred. The Heel slide, Arm circles and upper spinal flexion. Adding layer upon layer.
23 Four-point kneeling swimming, shell, moving cat
Video number 23 (10 minutes)
Swimming and Cat stretch. Adductor stretches in shell. Adding the layers with strength and flexibility.
38 Glutes, Hips, Knees, pelvic stability
Video number 38 (18 minutes)
Creating stability, working in prone, finding the layers of the heaviest muscle group, our glutes, aka buttocks. Working from the stabilisers outwards. With a hip flexor stretch and oyster to create space through the lumbar, releasing tightness in the front of the body and producing long, lean muscle tone with pelvic stability.
40 Balance safely for everyday life
Video number 40 (7 minutes)
Finding our centre while balancing, finding our centre through a stretch, and maintaining the centre as we sway and circle through our feet. Challenging our balance, after finding deep connection, by taking our hands away from the wall. Challenging our balance as we rise through our feet and maybe close our eyes to further challenge our balance.
43 Let's Blast those Clasts
Video number 43 (12 minutes)
Full Body for all. Blast those Clasts, Bone Density, Strength, control, spine, abs, arms, legs, centre
44 Balance and tease our proprioception and sensory system
Video number 44 (5 minutes)
For All. Core, Feet, ankles, legs, Balance, challenging and feeling our centres, maintaining our balance, teasing our proprioception and our sensory system.
45 Challenging our Core in Base
Video number 45 (9 minutes)
For All. Core, stability of spine, adding load to our centre. Control, abdominals from the inside out, arms, spinal strength. Balance and Hundred in Base.
51 For the back, shoulders and core finishing with relaxation (part 3 of 3; 49,50,51))
Video number 51 (14 minutes)
This is part 3 of 3 and will open the chest, release the shoulders and the back and will strengthen arms by toning the triceps. The session ends with relaxation.
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"Good posture can be successfully acquired only when the entire mechanism of the body is under perfect control"