Wendy Jardine Pilates
Pilates - West Dulwich

Wendy Jardine

Pilates Zooms Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday

Published on 28th August 2023

Dear All

This week's Zooms are -

Tuesday 29th August 8 am https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88451218493 Matwork- Every Muscle found and toned

Tuesday 29th August 9 am https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88976536628 Matwork - Every Move swiftly progressed to Advanced Level and Beyond (Our 1160th Zoom, to date!)

Tuesday 29th August 10 am https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87607930148 Chair, Barre, Standing - Every Muscle found and toned

Dates for your diaries -

Week of 4th September Onwards - Morning Room Sessions Resume - Mondays - 7, 8, 930, Tuesdays - 10, 11, Wednesdays - 8, 930, (1030 Workshop) - All Saints, Rosendale Road.

Week of 11th September Onwards - Morning Zoom Sessions Resume - Mondays - 11 (Chair/Barre/Standing), Tuesdays - 8 (Matwork), Thursdays - 8 (Matwork) , Thursdays - 9 (Advanced and Beyond Matwork) , Thursdays - 10 (Chair/Barre/Standing.) 

Please note - 

No Zoom sessions the week of 4th September. 

No Zoom AND No Room sessions on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 9th, 10th, 11th October.

Zooms Resume on Thursday 12th October. Rooms Resume on Monday 16th October and continue for nine uninterrupted weeks. 

I'm always Online 24/7 and waiting for you. Email me for your loyalty concession. 

The Royal Academy of Dance - Ten sessions, 11th September - 4th December, 1250 on Mondays, email me to join (no class 2nd, 9th, 23rd October). 

From Next Week - We will be back in the Room from 4th September. Yay! There are eight sessions to choose from and if you can't come to your usual time, come to another session at another time.  There will be room for you.  All equipment is sanitised - all I ask - is, please only come to class when you're well.  Collectively, we maintain a germ free environment.

Workshops on Wednesdays - In the workshops we heal.  We also explore and dispel debilitating beliefs, by showing ourselves the truth of our bodies with real understanding - "miracles" happen in front of our eyes in these sessions - Join us, whenever you like. Tell me anything - open your mind and let your body in.  All knowledge will empower your journey.  Every move is done in enabling ways, to suit YOU on the day - for your healing, understanding and progress. Feel and Heal at Wendy's Wednesday Workshops, in the Room at All Saints, Rosendale Road. From Wednesday 6th September onwards.

Breathe Connect Move

Very best wishes


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Wendy Jardine Pilates
Unit 26449
PO Box 6945
London W1A 6US

Copyright © 2019, Wendy Jardine Pilates