Wendy Jardine Pilates
Pilates - West Dulwich

Wendy Jardine

Pilates Zooms

Published on 21st August 2023

Dear All

My offering this week - Three Zooms this Thursday -

Thursday 24th August 8 am https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88239030331 Matwork- Every Muscle found and toned

Thursday 24th August 9 am https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84507476616 Matwork - Every Move progressed to Advanced Level (Our 1157th Zoom, to date!)

Thursday 24th August 10 am https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85323399522 Chair, Barre, Standing - Every Muscle found and toned

If you're not known to me yet, please drop me an email so I know to expect you.  

Here are some dates for your diaries -

Week of 28th August - there will be three Zooms at 8, 9, 10 am on Tuesday 29th August only.  There will be No Zooms the week of 4th September.

Week of 4th September - Room sessions resume, Mondays at 7, 8, 930, Tuesdays at 10, 11, Wednesdays at 8, 930, (1030 Workshop). All Saints, Rosendale Road.

Week of 11th September onwards - Room sessions on Mondays at 7, 8, 930 am Tuesdays at 10, 11 am Wednesdays at 8, 930 am (1030 Workshop) AND Zooms on Mondays at 11 am, Tuesdays at 8 am, Thursdays at 8 am , 9 am , 10 am 

Week of 11th September - Ten-week term at the Academy. 1250 on Mondays, email me to join

News One of my clients has given me a holiday in Madeira. A super duper holiday and, as you can imagine, I am very grateful. If there are any other clients who would like to gift me a holiday, please email anytime!  I know - a ridiculous thought!  I can't quite believe this is happening either, but it is.  Due to this sumptuous opportunity, there will be No sessions the weeks of 2nd and 9th October, with Zooms on Thursday 12th October only. Thank you for your understanding. Room and Zoom sessions will then resume for nine uninterrupted weeks: Room sessions - Mondays at 7, 8, 930 am Tuesdays at 10, 11 am Wednesdays at 8, 930 am (1030 Workshop) AND Zooms - Mondays at 11 am, Tuesdays at 8 am, Thursdays at 8 am , 9 am , 10 am. 

I'm here and waiting for you Online 24/7 

Breathe Connect Move

and very best wishes


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"My work will be established and when it is, I will be the happiest man in God's universe. My goal will have been reached"


Wendy Jardine Pilates
Unit 26449
PO Box 6945
London W1A 6US

Copyright © 2019, Wendy Jardine Pilates