Wendy Jardine Pilates
Pilates - West Dulwich

Wendy Jardine

Pilates to Keep Cool, Calm and Centred

Published on 19th June 2023

Welcome See you for four consecutive weeks on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  We will keep cool and calm in the breezy studio at All Saints, at the Academy in the air-con, and at home with our windows open, with water to hand.  We will centre our bodies - and find every muscle and joint - as we elongate, flow, breathe and nourish. 

New to Me? Please get in touch info@pilates-instructor.net to join me - online, over zoom, and in the room

Online Pilates Open 24/7 to Everyone - videos for pain, technique, joints, bones, muscles, core, healing, relaxation, stretching, beginners, advanced, matwork, standing, sitting - every video is a complete session in itself, you can do as many as you like, whenever you like. I cue you through and demonstrate every move, as we go - contact me and I'll set up your membership - to the entire library - for a weekend, week, month or the year. I'm filming this Monday, so please contact me today if you want anything added to the library. And, for free, google Wendy Jardine Boomerang and join me for my favourite full body advanced move - I build it in discrete parts, making it accessible - my usual style - have a go some time.....

Pilates in the Room

All Saints, Rosendale Road, West Dulwich - Monday 19th June 7 am 8 am 930 am, Tuesday 20th June 10 am 11 am, Wednesday 21st June 8 am 930 am 

Wednesday Workshop 1030 at All Saints - In the workshops we trouble shoot aches, pains, and dispel debilitating beliefs that have limited our progress - "miracles" happen in front of our eyes in these sessions - come, whenever you like, drop-in and see for yourself - open your mind to knowledge that empowers.  All moves are done in enabling ways, to suit - for healing, understanding and progress. 

Click if you want information on - Times Holidays Fees

Zooms - click on the links below (If you're not yet known to me, please contact me now, and then click the links on the day - it's that simple)

MONDAY 19th June 11 am Chair Pilates https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85367279021

TUESDAY 20th May 8 am Matwork https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83801338340

THURSDAY 22nd June 8 am Matwork https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85791146612

THURSDAY 22nd June 9 am Matwork for Experienced Students (1129th Zoom since 2020!) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82660345250

THURSDAY 22nd June 10 am Chair Pilates https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85975130541

Zooms will continue, as above, for four further weeks - there will be a special summertime schedule during July and August

The Royal Academy of Dance - Dancers - Monday 19th June at the unusual time of 1300 in the Linbury Studio. Contact me directly to join us info@pilates-instructor.net

Pilates Courses for the Royal Academy of Dance in 2023 - Dancers and Teachers - please contact The Royal Academy of Dance to book the following courses: (Silver Swans Easter Course 11th to 15th April) Silver Swans Summer Course 17th - 21st July, Adult Summer Evening Course 17th - 21st July, Junior Summer School 7th - 12th August, Intensives 14th - 18th August. Continual Professional Development, Bath, 22nd July "Applying Pilates Principles to Ballet Teaching - finding balance physically and emotionally" 

Everyone Contact me anytime -  info@pilates-instructor.net - to join me, ask questions, and to update me on your healing and progress.


Thank you and best wishes - Wendy

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"Thank you so much, I love your classes and your amazing knowledge, it’s such an education! "

Emma S

Wendy Jardine Pilates
Unit 26449
PO Box 6945
London W1A 6US

Copyright © 2019, Wendy Jardine Pilates