Wendy Jardine Pilates
Pilates - West Dulwich

Wendy Jardine

Keeping Your Mind's Eye Open

Published on 16th January 2023


So we're back on track.  Yay!  A great first week!  T'was so good to see so many of you in the Room, over Zoom, at the Academy, and Online.  A wonderful start to the year.  This week we will continue to cast our mind's eye over our breath, connection and movement, and continue to deliver self healing and well being from the inside out.  We will use our Complete Conscious Training Vision for deeply rewarding progress.

Room Classes Mondays 7 am, 8 am, 930 am. Tuesdays 10 am, 11 am.  Wednesdays 8 am, 930 am, (1030 am Chair) at All Saints West Dulwich. Easy from West Dulwich, West Norwood, Tulse Hill and Dulwich.  Just come, particularly if you're feeling stiff, need to heal something, and definitely if you're feeling fabulous.

Please don't come if you're unwell, we are collectively maintaining a germ free environment for the benefit of us all. All equipment is sanitised.

Zoom Classes 

Monday 16th at 11 am over Zoom Chair Barre Stand https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85362237634

Tuesday 17th 8 am over Zoom Matwork https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83596189711

Thursday 19th 8 am over Zoom Matwork https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84374043037

Thursday 19th (1037th) 9 am over Zoom Matwork https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89178675249

Thursday 19th 10 am over Zoom Chair Barre Stand https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87802819507

Classes at the Royal Academy of Dance Monday 16th January 2023 at 1250, second of an eleven week term, no session on 13th February. The new cafe is open.

And finally, and always, Online Sessions available 24/7

Contact me if you want to join us in West Dulwich, over Zoom, at the Academy, or Online. 

Thank you all; roomers, zoomers, dancers and onliners, for your prompt payments, it is much appreciated.

Breathe Connect Move 


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"Loving the Videos. I’m going to explore the Pelvic Floor, Pelvic Diaphragm ones, as I need to understand that a bit more + Pilates Moves Broken Down and Mastered! It’s all very exciting and sooo beneficial already! I love the ‘ Wendyisms’ – pulling my ears is very effective!


Wendy Jardine Pilates
Unit 26449
PO Box 6945
London W1A 6US

Copyright © 2019, Wendy Jardine Pilates