Wendy Jardine Pilates
Pilates - West Dulwich

Wendy Jardine

Life Changing Healing Mixture

Life Changing Mixture

If I tell you this mixture changes lives, you'll believe me because you'll know I have evidence! - Not only do I have a plethora of qualitative evidence but also scientific detail as to why it is so effective.  So I decided to share this with you all, rather than just offering it to people that come to me with their ailments.

You will see, as you read this, that there is evidence this mixture, packed with antioxidants, is beneficial for -

Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Indigestion, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), Blood sugars, Cholesterol levels, Blood pressure, Inflammation, Asthma, Chronic Gastritis, Ageing Skin, Greying Hair, Belly Fat, Diabetes, Bone - Form and Density, Neurodegenerative Diseases - Alzeimers, Parkinsons, Multiple Sclerosis and some cancers.

Let me start with the mixture itself and not leave that until the end of the article! - This isn't an ad' that goes on and on and then you have to join and pay vast amounts to get to the life changing point!  The mixture is cheap and quick to make too, so this is for everyone, whatever your budget and demands.

Give it a week, but I think you'll feel the benefits quicker than that - only have one level teaspoon a day, and less than one teaspoon will suffice sometimes. So, invite in a manageable amount to your tastebuds on any given day - and let the good it does into your daily lifestyle.  Each of the ingredients are powerful, but the fact that they are together is also important for absorption into the body.  It is also vital that it is added to fat - good fat. It is fat soluble - so it binds to fat - it will be absorbed slowly and will therefore make it into the all important bloodstream.

Examples of good fat are - eggs, olive oil, coconut oil or coconut milk, milk or almond milk, butter, cheese, avocado, full fat greek yogurt, fish, nuts, dark chocolate  - I'm sure you can think of many more .....Personally, I've tried all the above and continue to play but my favourite way, so far, is a bowl of full fat greek yogurt with a level teaspoon of the mixture stirred in - sometimes I add berries or granola but often just the full fat greek yogurt and the teaspoon of turmeric mixture - I seriously find it delicious and the good it does me is invaluable. And even with the yogurt, still costs very little.

Here is the mixture - an ancient Ayurvedic mix - in Sanskrit, the sacred language of Hinduism, Ayur means Life and Veda means Science or Knowledge - Ayurvedic Medicine is the Science of Life and balances body, mind and spirit. These ingredients have been used for healing in India for thousands of years, since ancient times, that's an enormous amount of robust and holistic evidence! - The ingredients are all natural - and each ingredient has impressive health benefits. It is the turmeric that must be eaten with the black pepper and the fat, to be released into the body. Simply add all the following together -

100g of Turmeric (20 tsp)

10 g ground black pepper (2tsp)

10 g ground ginger (2tsp)

20 g ground cinnamon (4tsp)

5 g ground cloves (1tsp)

Turmeric  - Curcumin is the active ingredient known for health benefits - the black pepper helps to absorb more Curcumin. Turmeric is proven to benefit Arthritis, Indigestion, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), Inflammation, Antioxidant - Improves systemic markers of Oxidative Stress

Black pepper - Piperine is the active ingredient - it is an anti-inflammatory, with antioxidant properties.  It has been proven to help heart and cardiovascular disease, asthma, arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis, chronic gastritis, Alzeimers, Parkinsons, ageing skin and greying hair.

Ginger - Gastrointestinal motility - Speeds up digestion, proven to reduce belly fat, improves immunity, PMS symtoms, relieves nausea and upset stomach, reduces pain, produces healthier skin, may help with weight loss and cancer.

Cinnamon - High in antioxidants - reduces disease, inflammation and ageing.  Improves gut health, dental hygiene, reduces cholesterol levels, lowers blood pressure, lowers blood sugar levels and is beneficial for diabetes and weight loss -  reduces risk of energy crashes and sugar cravings.

Cloves - High in antioxidants - reduces the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, reduces bloating, improves secretion of digestive juices. Cloves are packed with manganese, the mineral that works with calcium to build good bone form and density.

What does antioxidant actually mean?  "Oxidation" can damage vital molecules in our cells including DNA and proteins, which are responsible for many body processes. "Free radicals" are molecules produced when our body breaks down food or when exposed to tobacco smoke, fumes, radiation.  Antioxidants disarm this process and reduce consequent damage.

I first heard about this mixture from a good friend, as a tea, and was advised to drink it and then to swallow a teaspoon of olive oil - this wasn't appealing to me and seemed also to aggravate heart burn, so I delved into the above whys and whats and found the solution for me.  A level teaspoon, and sometimes less, into a bowl of divine full fat greek yogurt works best for me.  Enjoy finding your favourite way and feeling good. 

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Wendy Jardine Pilates
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