Wendy Jardine
For this week's links to Live Zoom classes, please go to "latest blog entries" www.pilates-instructor.net/bloglist/pilates-blog
You can join Wendy online, 24/7. There are 154 videos to suit every mood, level and issue. All the videos are available to you, you can pick and choose and do as many as you wish, whenever you wish. The library continues to grow, and do ask Wendy anytime to add a video of your choice. Wendy demonstrates the moves, but she teaches verbally throughout, so you don't "have" to watch, you can just listen on your mobile, or device, and simply feel your way through the session.
If you are looking for a regular Pilates class in the Room, Wendy is in West Dulwich. You have a choice of eight classes with her. Click on Pilates Classes and take your pick. There is a class to suit everyone whether you are a beginner or experienced.
And do join Wendy at The Royal Academy of Dance, Battersea.
Pilates is not a fad! It has been scientifically proven to be beneficial and is recommended by physiotherapists and osteopaths alike. Pilates will strengthen the body and mobilise joints, it will stretch and tone the muscles and enhance body awareness. Pilates works from the inside out because Pilates trains the stabilising muscles. With the stabilisers engaged, the spine is supported and least stressed. While the spine is supported, the body is strong and the mobilising muscles can work efficiently.
Everything you need for your class is provided and sanitised, just arrive in comfortable clothes. You will spend 55 minutes taking your body through various movements. Every class is different, sometimes using small balls, sometimes bands, sometimes the Pilates Circles, and so on. Sometimes working with no equipment just our bodies and minds. By the end of any session you will have used every muscle! The class will be a continuous flow of movements developed to strengthen, stretch and tone your muscles and mobilise your joints. You will learn how to breathe while at the same time keep your deep muscles gently contracted; develop skills that enable you to completely relax your body and isolate and utilise your muscles. Always working at a level that's right for you on any given day.
Joseph Pilates said 'In ten sessions you'll feel difference, in twenty you'll see the difference and in thirty you'll have a new body.' Making Pilates part of your routine and taking a class once a week with a qualified instructor is all you need to do. In class, you will learn good postural technique that you can take into your everyday life. Before you know it, you will be thinking Pilates as you go about your daily life.
"Watch a cat, as it lazily opens its eyes, slowly looks around, and gradually prepares to rise after a nap. First, it gradually rises on its hindquarters and then gradually lowers itself again, at the same time sprawling out on the floor, leisurely stretching its forepaws (with extended claws) and legs. Observe closely how all its back muscles actually ripple as it stretches and relaxes itself.... Observe, too, how cats sleep - utterly relaxed whether they happen to be lying on their back, side or belly, Contrology exercises emphasize the need for this constant stretching and relaxing"
Pilates and Treats
Mon 10 Feb 2025
Pilates and Mushrooms
Mon 03 Feb 2025
Smile An Everlasting Pilates Smile
Mon 27 Jan 2025
Pilates Reveals Our Strengths
Mon 20 Jan 2025
Keep Spreading the Pilates Word
Mon 13 Jan 2025
Wendy Jardine Pilates
Unit 26449
PO Box 6945
London W1A 6US
Copyright © 2019, Wendy Jardine Pilates